
CompareDWG is released as a self-installing executable. This executable will install CompareDWG in a directory chosen by the user (default C:\Program Files\CompareDWG).
When you are reading this text, you have probably performed this step already.

After the installation, CompareDWG must be made available in AutoCAD.

  1. In AutoCAD, add the directory with CompareDWG to the support file search path.
    (Menu entry Tools/Options)
  2. Type the following command to create the menu entry

    (load "frxc")

    Do not forget the parenthesis.

Now CompareDWG will be available in your menu, ready for use.
The next time you start AutoCAD it will be loaded automatically.

If needed, repeat these steps for other users.

CompareDWG uses Notepad to display reports. Notepad is part of your Windows software.

Please read the conditions of use and the limitations before using CompareDWG.


The initial installation grants you an evaluation license for a period up to 30 days. If you want to use CompareDWG in a production environment or if you exceed the 30-day limit you must register to obtain a valid license.

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Next page: Quick Start