New Compare Job

This command compares two drawings and stores the results in temporary files. It automatically continues with the Open Results command.

CompareDWG new compare job dialog

  1. First make sure that the two drawings you want to compare are NOT open in AutoCAD. This will guarantee that no changes will be made to the original drawings.
    You may have other files open in AutoCAD. However, it is advisable to keep the number of drawings open as low as possible to avoid memory and performance problems.
  2. To start a New Compare Job you should first provide the location and name of the old file. If you are not sure which of the two drawings is oldest, you may specify either, just remember that the one you enter here will be referred to as "the old file".
  3. Then enter the location and name of the new file. If the new file is in the same directory as the old file use the button Copy old Name, then edit or Browse to get the exact name of the new file.
  4. Normally you should select the Detailed Mode. If this is not possible, use the Basic Mode (More Info). In Basic Mode no temporary files or report files are generated.
  5. Now hit the Compare button.
  6. CompareDWG will scan through the two drawings to find their differences, which will be stored in temporary files. It also generates two reports. Only meaningful files will be created, i.e. a file with Added Entities will only be created if there are added entities. If both input drawings are exactly the same, no temporary files will be generated. The reports are still generated; these may be useful to get a textual overview of the entities found in the drawings.
  7. When the comparison is finished CompareDWG displays the Results window. This window informs the user about the number of files generated, and asks how to continue.

It is safe to re-open the original drawings after the comparison has been completed, even if you still have the results displayed in one or more windows. (The displayed results use temporary files; they will not access the original drawings)

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